getting started
1. Select test
Select a test from the test selection, that you want to evaluate
2. Import demo files
Open the demo data browser to import some example data for your selected test. Make sure to also change the channel configuration when importing the files.
3. Adjust evaluation settings
Some tests have specific evaluation settings that need to be set up according to the imported data. The default setting configuration always fits to the provided demo data.
4. Evaluate the data
Click on "Evaluate" to start the evaluation process of the selected files.
5. Analyze the numeric results
Go to the KPI Overview tab to see the numeric results for each KPI of every single file. If a KPI Assessment is specified, the numeric results will have a color indicator according to the KPI Assessment settings.
6. Analyze the statistical results
Go to the KPI Summary tab to get statistical results of every KPI over all evaluated files. MXeval provides some default summary functions (e.g. MEAN, RMS, STD, ...). Own summary functions can be implemented in the settings menu.
7. Analyze the visualization results
Go to the Visualization tab to see the test specific plots. Every test has different plots according to the KPI evaluation- Custom visualization plots can be configured in the plot configuration.
8. Analyze the correlation results
Go to the KPI Correlation tab to see the test specific plots. KPI Correlation plots can be set up in the plot configuration.
9. Generate a report
Go to the report generator to export a html based evaluation report of all your results.