kpi overview
This view gives the option to easily compare the results in an objective way. The table shows all calculated KPIs in a column separated way. That makes is very convenient to compare different measurements with each other.
In the settings menu, the KPI assessment can be defined. This assessment will then be indicated at each single KPI in the table. With this, you can directly see the quality of the KPIs of interest.
Use the "Bar plot" feature which can be accessed via the context menu to inspect a single KPI at a glance.
The display of the KPI Overview can be modified in various ways in the options menu.
View Mode
The view mode can be changed to relative or absolute view.
While the absolute view displays the exact KPI values of each file, the reference view calucates the percentage deviation to a specified reference file or cluster.
The setting of the view mode can be changed via the KPI overview table's context menu.
Bar Plot
The bar plot can be accessed via the context menu. It gives a more detailed indication about the KPI assessment. Besides the assessment value (green, orange, red) it also allows so analyze, where exactly the KPI is located within the specified tolerances.