report generator

MXeval creates interactive HTML reports which do not require any additional compilers. It is omptimized for a usage on a PC monitor, but can still be viewed on any other platforms.

A demo report can be found here.


  • Assess KPIs

Apply the kpi assessment also to the values in the .html report

  • Image resolution

Specify the image resolutions for the figures inside of the report. For typical laser-printer output, the default resolution of 150 dpi for figures is normally adequate. Higher resolutions have a higher memory use and produce larger output files which will slow down the report generation process.

  • Plot Legend

Choose the position of the plot legend for the visualization plots. While the "best" option tries to always find the optimum location on each plot based on the plotted data, the "none" option will disable the legend for all plots.

  • Accent Color

The accent color will be used as highlight and separation colors within the html report.

  • Logo

The logo will be shown in the top left corner of the report. In combination with the accent color configuration, it allows to customize the report to the corporate design.


Presets can be used to save all of the report configuration options into a predefined set.

Creating/deleting of new/existing presets can be done using the context menu of the preset selection box.