simulink signal collector
The Simulink Signal Collector consists of a simulink block that collects idividual MXeval signals (internal or custom) in a proper data format.
It automatically converts the numeric signals in a double format and creates a "Data" structure (in the MATLAB workspace) based on the MXeval default data format after the simulation run (see StopFcn).
Use the global channel configuration "MXEVAL_DEFAULT_FORMAT" to evaluate the collected data!
The Simulink Signal Collector block is created for MATLAB R2015a!
The compatibility to other releases cannot be guaranteed!
This block is not protected! It can be modified to the personal needs.
e.g.: automatic saving into mat file with timestamp after simulation run:
add the following line to the end of the blocks "StopFcn" (Block properties > Callbacks)
save(['results_' datestr(now,'hh_MM_ss') '.mat'], 'Data'); |