

  • snapshot

create snapshot of current plot and save it as a .png image

  • external plot

create an external editable MATLAB figure from the current plot. This can be saved in various file formats.

  • copy to clipboard

copy the current figure to the computers clipboary e.g. to directly paste it in certain documents.

Axis Limits

  • automatic

automatic plot layout depending on the visible plot data

  • manual

manual specification of the plot axis limits independently for each plot. 


Multiple plots can be selected at once to get a better understanding of the data at a glance. This feature is also helpful in terms of data exploration.
The "copy to clipboard" and "external plot" features apply to the entire subplot at once.

Plot Configuration

The plot appearance of each element can be configured in the options menu.

Color management

  • color

define the visualization color of specific plot elements

  • colormap

enabled: the plot elements appear in the correspnding colormapt colour

disabled: the plot elements appear in the defined fixed color

  • colormap style

change the style of the plot colormap when multiple files are selected

  • colormap clustering

colorize all results that belong to the same cluster in the the same color, according to the defined colormap style

Map configuration

This applies to all Google Maps plots

  • Map Type

defines the type of map to construct. There are several possible maptype values, including roadmap, satellite, hybrid, and terrain

  • Transparency

transparency of the background map. Higher transparency can be useful to have a better optical contrast to the plotted data

  • Labels

show labels (city/streets/...) on the map data